Hermana Canal with President and Sister Gillespie

Hermana Canal with President and Sister Gillespie
In front of the clock in Vina del Mar

Monday, December 6, 2010

Feliz Diciembre

I am getting so excited for this Christmas season! It is super
different here in Chile, but I love it all the same. The people don't
deck out their houses like they do in the states, that's for sure and
the stores arent quite as decked out either, but at least they have
Christmas music playing! (normally in English. haha.) We listen to
Christmas music every morning in the house too, and although I am very
far from my family I have a little family of sister missionaries here
in Chile. The 4 of us in our little house are so full of the Christmas
spirit that I feel so happy and at peace, not homesick at all. Next
year though I will sure be happy to celebrate with my family and
friends at home. I hope you are all getting excited for this special
time of year and I hope you all remember the real reason that we
celebrate. I am so grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ. "He is the
light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that
can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that
there can be no more death." (Mosiah 16:) Merry Christmas!

Last week was super interesting. It had its ups and downs like
always... like life. I am grateful for all the ups and downs because
they help me to grow and become more like the person that I want to
be, more like my Savior. Every time I am faced with a challenge I try
to think...I can choose to respond in a negative way and deter my
progression or I can choose to respond in a positive way and become a
better person. We all have this opportunity every moment of every day.
These trials of life are really blessings. They help us to become more
like Jesus Christ. It all depends on how we see them.

The best part of this week was going to the temple with Veronica. We
left Saturday morning at 1130 and got to Santiago about 2 hours later.
Veronica was able to do the baptisms and confirmations of her
grandmother and great grandmother and Hermana Barre and I were temple
workers at the baptismal font! It was so exciting! I want to work in
the temple every day after my mission. Then Hermana Barre and I each
had a name (one the grandmother and the other the great grandmother)
to take in and do endowments the last session of the day with our
ward. I can not express how special this was for me... to first baptize
someone so amazing and to then help her do the work for her family. I
was reminded again just how wonderful the temple is and I felt a
confirmation, like so many times before, that this church is THE
church of Jesus Christ in the earth. The one and only. I feel so
blessed to be a part of this church. I feel so blessed with the
opportunity to serve and share this knowledge with others! It is the
only way that we will ever find an everlasting joy.

Thank you all for your continual love and support. I feel it
strengthen me every day.

Hermana Canal

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