We had changes again today and I am staying with Hermana Barre here in San Francisco! I am both excited and sad. We get along super well and she is helping me to learn and grow so much, but I know that this will be our last change together because this is her last change in the mission. It is going to be hard to watch her go home to Ecuador... We did have a bit of a surprise though that will make her leaving a little less painful... We are getting 2 more hermanas in our ward and we are all going to live together! But that's not all... the biggest surprise is that Hermana Jones, my first companion, will be one of them and she will be training a new hermana. I don't know how we are all going to fit in our little house, but all I can say is we will be feeling a lot of love all squished together! haha. For a couple of nights we will all four be sleeping on twin mattresses on the floor until their mattresses and bunk beds arrive! Sleepover! WOoHoo!
So miracle of the week... Veronica. This mother of 4 (three boys and one girl) recently moved into our town and stopped us in the street the other day to ask about church services. We told her all she needed to know and of course were anxious to talk more but she was in a rush to get somewhere so we didn't have time to even write down her information, much less fix a time to pass by her house. To our surprise and great joy the next Sunday she showed up at church and we learned that she has been assisting for 3 YEARS and still has not been baptised. Two of her children, the two oldest boys are baptised though. Well, we set up a time to talk, Friday, and when the day and time arrived we met up in the chapel. All I can say is this woman has suffered so much in her life and I feel grateful to have the chance to know her. She, like all others in this world, has made mistakes. She feels horrible guilt and pain because of her past life and has not been able to be baptised because of the way she was living. I watched Veronica shed more tears during the hour that we talked then I ever thought possible. We talked about her goals in life, for herself and her family. We talked about the happiness that families find when they are united in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We talked about eternal families and the choices she needs to make now to be with her children forever. It was heart wrenching, and in the end she had to decide to make the changes she needs to in her life to be baptised or not. We decided to start a fast with her so that the Lord would show her the way. When we ended the fast Sunday after church we received a wonderful response. Veronica has decided to leave her old life behind and start anew. She now has a baptismal date and a light in her eyes that sings "hope"! I am so excited for her and her family. Her children are wonderful and I know they will be so blessed to have their mother be the example that they need in the church of Jesus Christ.
I know my Savior lives. I know he loves me and every single person on this earth. He made sacrifices I can not even begin to imagine so that we can all return to live with Him, our Heavenly Father, and our families FOREVER. He wants us all to come unto Him, but like Veronica, it is OUR choice. It is hard to change, but I know that after the trial of our faith the blessings are innumerable. Test it out! I know you wont be disappointed. Give your Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ the time of day in prayer, church, and scripture study and you will feel for JOY than in any other way. I PROMISE!
The scriptures say it all better than I can,
Mosiah 2:41 And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and ahappy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are bblessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out cfaithful to the end they are received into dheaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.
Love You all tons and bunches!