Well, I thought we weren't going to be able to write today, but turns out president said we could write our family.
This past week we had two baptisms. Arlette and Veronica were baptized together. It was absolutely beautiful. They both had their fair share of trials throughout the week but made it through with flying colors. It always seems like the week before a baptism is the hardest.
Arlette invited 3 nonmember friends and they all enjoyed the baptism. They had lots of questions too. I loved listening to Arlette bare her testimony to her friends. She did so with great confidence and love for the gospel. I am excited to watch her grow and learn more and more. She was just baptized Saturday and has already invited us and the Donoso family over to her house tonight for Family Home Evening. I am so glad that she is putting into practice all that she had learned. Family home evening is one way that she will be able to help her daughter, Cloe, siempre learn and grow in the gospel, although she can not be baptized right now.
Veronica invited friends and family too but they didn't show up... this young woman has been though so much. She is such an example to me. She invited us to have lunch with her Friday although she is not working and barely has the means necessary to feed her four children, but when someone invites you can't say no. We ate a very humble but delicious lunch and being with her and her family is always a treat. I love her kids. They are wild and drive their mom crazy, but I love them.
This week we are practicing Silent Night in parts with the relief society because Friday we are having a ward activity and we are going to sing! I am so excited. Hermana Jones is going to teach the alto part and I am going to teach the soprano part. I love the women in our ward. they are absolutely wonderful. Pray that all goes well in the activity and that lots of nonmembers come! We are going to watch a Christmas video and have hot chocolate and sing. It is going to be lots of fun!
So if you want better health go on visits with the missionaries! Hemana Mirtha was having bad back pain all day the other day when we stopped by her house on the way to teach Arlette and Cloe to see if she and her daughter could accompany us. When we found out she was having back pain we of course said that if she didn't feel up to it she should stay home and rest, but she wouldn't hear it. She and her daughter went with us to make the visit. When we got in the house and started to teach she bore her testimony of the church and the miracles that happen when we serve...turns out that she stopped having back pains when we got to Arlettes house and felt wonderful all through the evening. Miracles. I love them. Hang out with the missionaries!
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